Greetings from the Church President
I hope you are all doing well and practicing social distancing…remember 6 feet! As I am sure you all anticipate, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will NOT be holding ANY services in our beautiful building until further notice. We will, however, be posting sermons/messages from Don on a regular basis. You may access them by going to the church website at and then clicking “Sermons” on the menu tab at the top right corner. This will be updated on a regular basis. The RNP Committee and Fred are working to update the rest of the website too. Our prayer chain will continue and will be updated when appropriate. Please let Linda or Laura know if you have someone who you would like add to the list. In addition to the list, you might also pray for an end to this awful disease! Prayer Chain Even though our community of faith will not be gathering for fellowship and prayers for the foreseeable future, there are many who need both our prayers and care. Brenda and Dick Dansingburg who recently lost their granddaughter, Marina Kelley Pat Liao is hospitalized at DHMC, initially with heart issues and now with pneumonia from COVID 19 Jean Eggleston is recovering at home Laura Caravatt is back in her home in Vermont Fred Gilbertson from Williamsburg, VA, the brother of Ginny Kottkamp who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 Richard Stewart is recovering from strep throat and will be out of work as Sam’s is closed until the end of May Evelyn Tucker is at Cedar Hill Nursing Home Evelyn Verro in in a nursing home in Albany Carolyn Gauthier, Susan Kneebone, Kathy Doyle, Annie Oakes, Herb Van Guilder, Terry DeYoung, Ginny Kottkamp, James Almond, and Judy Edwards continue to need our prayers In our larger community there are many who need our prayers Pam Dundy is at home on oxygen To the family of Bob Kirkbride who died this week as a result of COVID 19 We know the power of prayer. If you have others to add to our prayer concerns, please email [email protected] Offering Please! Since we will not be having church services, you will miss having the opportunity to place your offering in the offertory plate. Unfortunately, many of our expenses are fixed or ongoing so we will still be depending on income. It would be ever so helpful if you could continue with your weekly offering by writing a check to The United Church and sending it in to Anne Oakes at 145 Merrill Rd., Ludlow, VT 05149. After mailing the check, you may choose to hum the doxology to yourself!! Thank you so much. Up-date on the Building Project Josselyn brothers is making great progress with the handicapped access project. If you haven’t been out and seen for yourself, here is what you have missed. First of all…It looks great. The design blends in so well with the architecture of the building and the color of the siding is an exact match (or at least so close that you would never know any different). The roofing is completed; the siding is 80% completed; the round window was back ordered but should be in on Monday; the insulation is complete; the sheetrock has been hung, taping and finish will take place next week; painting is to follow; stair materials are on order and we will fabricated at Josselyn’s shop next week; the lift schedule has changed and we are waiting for an update from supplier/installer. Although, we might not be back to church to use it, it is probable that the back-entry stairs will be usable in three weeks. This is all so exciting and will be such a wonderful addition once it is completed and we can return to our building. A Comstock Memorial plaque is in the works. Easter Egg Hunt Cancelled The collaboration event that we had planned to do with the Recreation Department of the Town of Ludlow is postponed until a later time. Thank you to those who volunteered to stuff eggs, hide eggs and man fun activities. You are not off the hook…they still plan to do the Easter Activities just not around Easter! Nick Miele, the Director of Recreation Department, expressed his sincere appreciation to us for our offer to help. Hopefully, we can fulfill this obligation later this year. And as always: If the Pastor or any member of the congregation may be of service to you, please contact the church office at 802-228-4211 or Rev. Harpster at 802-875-8895. His email is [email protected]. Regarding Individuals in the Hospital or Sick at Home: It would be greatly appreciated that if you know of individuals or family members in the hospital or sick at home, to kindly inform the pastor, Rev. Harpster. Comments are closed.