We Reach Out to Our Neighbors!

Lasagna Dinner for Ukraine Humanitarian Relief in March 2022.
Community Outreach
We believe in faith in action. Since our inception, we have offered the use of our building to the community as part of our outreach. The church was designed for a library under the belfry, so we housed Ludlow's free public library for its first 11 years. Currently, our community building outreach includes Black River Good Neighbor Services meetings, including the "Memory Cafe" for people with dementia; Ludlow Area Community Garden meetings, WIC (Women, Infants and Children federal program), Mountain Side House staff training, Ludlow Garden Club meetings, and more.
On a personal level, we reached out individually and as a church to help those in need in our community after Ludlow was hit by a historic flood in July 2023.
If you know someone in need, please reach out through our Contact Us form.
Financial Outreach
We have a tradition of supporting local, national, and world needs through financial outreach. Decisions are made by a small Outreach Committee chaired by a deacon. Our local outreach supports the Black River Good Neighbors Services, and, internationally, we support Malayka House, an orphanage in Uganda. In 2022, we hosted a Lasagna Dinner to support the refugees of Ukraine, working with the Ludlow Rotary Club and the Okemo Valley Women's Club to raise over $16,000.
We believe in faith in action. Since our inception, we have offered the use of our building to the community as part of our outreach. The church was designed for a library under the belfry, so we housed Ludlow's free public library for its first 11 years. Currently, our community building outreach includes Black River Good Neighbor Services meetings, including the "Memory Cafe" for people with dementia; Ludlow Area Community Garden meetings, WIC (Women, Infants and Children federal program), Mountain Side House staff training, Ludlow Garden Club meetings, and more.
On a personal level, we reached out individually and as a church to help those in need in our community after Ludlow was hit by a historic flood in July 2023.
If you know someone in need, please reach out through our Contact Us form.
Financial Outreach
We have a tradition of supporting local, national, and world needs through financial outreach. Decisions are made by a small Outreach Committee chaired by a deacon. Our local outreach supports the Black River Good Neighbors Services, and, internationally, we support Malayka House, an orphanage in Uganda. In 2022, we hosted a Lasagna Dinner to support the refugees of Ukraine, working with the Ludlow Rotary Club and the Okemo Valley Women's Club to raise over $16,000.
Organizations We Support Include:
- Black River Good Neighbor Services (food shelf/thrift store begun by church in 1960s)
- Windsor County Youth Services (youth shelters)
- Ludlow Area Community Garden (begun by church)
- Okemo Valley TV (local access television)
- Fletcher Memorial Library
- FOLA (Friends of the Ludlow Auditorium)
- Rotary International
- Malayka House, an orphanage in Uganda
- Meals on Wheels
- Reading/West Windsor Food Shelf