A warm welcome to all visitors. If the Pastor or any member of the congregation
may be of service to you, please contact the church office at 802-228-4211 or Rev. Harpster at 802-875-8895. His email is [email protected]. Scripture Readings and Sermon for the Day Psalm 8 2 Corinthians 13: 11-13 Matthew 28: 16-20 Sermon – “Visit to a Small Planet Pastor Harpster’s Retirement Retirement Party for the Rev. Dr. Donald E. Harpster today with a potluck luncheon following the service of worship. All are welcome to join in honoring Don in his retirement. Don has served our church for nearly 16 years and in April, he announced his retirement. Don is a native of central Pennsylvania growing up in the village of Pine Grove Mills a community located 4 miles from the main campus of the Pennsylvania State University where received his undergraduate degree in history in 1966. In 1976, he received his PH.D., majoring in history and minoring in religious studies. His dissertation was “Controversy in the German Reformed Church with Special Emphasis on Nineteenth Century Philadelphia, Pennsylvania”. His Master of Divinity degree was from Yale University in 1972. His full time pastoral experience included Redeemer’s United Church of Christ, Littlestown, Pennsylvania (1972-1977), St. John’s United Church of Christ, Shamokin, Pennsylvania (1977-1986), and All Souls Congregational Church, UCC, Bangor, Maine (1986-1989). After moving to Vermont in 1990, He served as a part-time pastor of three churches, Sherburne UCC, Killington, Vermont, Shrewsbury Community Church, Shrewsbury Center, Vermont, and United Church of Ludlow, Ludlow, Vermont to the present. His obligations to the large church included serving as the Chairperson of the Church and Ministry Conference Committee of the Penn Central Conference, UCC, and on similar boards in both Maine and Vermont. In addition, he served on the boards of Hoffman Home for Youth, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and Phoebe Allentown, Allentown, Pennsylvania a residence facility for senior citizens. For 21 years, he taught at the College of St. Joseph, Rutland, Vermont. He was a Professor of History and Political Science and served as the Chairperson of the Arts and Sciences Division. His favorite courses were United States History, the Twenties in U. S. History, the American Presidency, and Vermont History. It was during this time that Don developed a special interest in Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President of the United States. He served as a trustee of the Calvin Coolidge Memorial Foundation (1999-2002) and as the Educational Coordinator of the Foundation (2002-2006). He currently is a tour guide at the President Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site, Plymouth Notch, Vermont. Don and his wife Johanna of 48 years reside in Rockingham, Vermont. They have two sons, Benjamin who lives in Knightdale, North Carolina and Matthew who lives in South Burlington, Vermont. Dedication of Plague in Memory of Ed Boadway This morning we will be dedicating a plaque at the organ in memory of Ed Boadway who served serve as our organist from 2007 to 2016. The wording on the plaque reads as follows: IN LOVING MEMORY OF ED BOADWAY - ORGANIST MARCH 2007 - JUNE 2016 AND BELOVED FRIEND The following biography of Ed appeared in the church bulletin on July 17, 2016 for special service we held in Ed’s memory. Ed Boadway served as our organist from March 4, 2007 till his passing on June 29, 2016. Ed was very much a part of our church family and dearly loved by all. A Partial Biography
Upcoming Meetings -Women’s Group - Every Wednesday at 10:00 A.M. -Executive Board Meeting on June 28 at 7:00 P.M. Weekly Offerings Offerings and other cash receipts for the week ending June 4 were $1,779.00. (The costs for each week are $1,438.46 derived by dividing the annual budget by 52 weeks). Altar Guild Brenda Dansingburg and Jean Eggleston are the Altar Guild people during the summer. Ushers for the month of June This is a reminder for those of you who have signed up and a notice of those Sundays that are open. Ushers Communion June 11 **Open June 18 **Open June 25 **Open Regarding Individuals in the Hospital or Sick at Home It would be greatly appreciated if you know of individuals or family members in the hospital or sick at home, to kindly inform the pastor, Rev. Harpster. He can be reached either by phone at 802-875-8895 or by email at [email protected]. Connie Wilcox -Piano Recital on Monday, June 12 at 6:30 P.M. at United Church of Ludlow Eliza Ward Memorial Garden Dedication This Sunday, June11, at 2:00 P.M. there will be a ceremony dedicating the Eliza Ward Memorial Garden at the new Community Center (the Old Schoolhouse). This is part of a ceremony dedicating the new Community Center sign. Comments are closed.