5/29/2013 United Church Of Ludlow Weekly NewsA warm welcome to all visitors. If the Pastor may be of service to you, or any member of the congregation please contact the church office at 802-228-4211or Rev. Harpster at 802-875-8895.
His email is [email protected]. Upcoming Meetings Women’s Group - Every Wednesday at 10:00 AM Membership Committee – Wednesday, June 5, 7:00 PM Executive Board Meeting – Wednesday, June 26, 7:00 PM Weekly Offerings Offerings and other cash receipts for the week of May 26 were $1,590.00. The cost for each week is $1,330.00 (derived by dividing the annual budget by 52 weeks). Altar Guild Jean Eggleston is serving as the Altar Guild person during the month of June. Coffee Hour A time of fellowship following the service of worship is held in the social hall. Coffee, juice and refreshments will be served. Guest Minister We are pleased to welcome Rev. Taylor to lead us in our worship service on June 2. Tom Taylor attended Kent State University in Ohio, graduating in 1952 with a BS degree in Industrial Mathematics. He then worked for three years with General Motors and seventeen with IBM. At age 41 he left IBM to pursue a Master of Divinity degree at the Yale Divinity School. His first full time assignment as a United Methodist pastor was in Scranton, Pa. He then was moved to the Broad Street UMC in Norwich, N.Y., where he served from 1979 through 1986. He ended his active career with ten years at the First UMC of Fairbanks, Alaska. In 1996 he and his wife Betty, moved back to Norwich where they lived until moving to Vermont in Oct. of 2009. Tom and Betty were high school sweethearts and will observe their 62nd wedding anniversary this Sept. They have four children, ten grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Dick and Brenda Dansingberg were long time members of the Broad Street UMC in Norwich. The Taylors and the Dansingbergs first met when the Taylors came to town in 1979, and have remained fast friends ever since. Learn to Serve Communion For the next three months on the first Sunday of the month there will be a "Shadowing Sunday" for those of you who want to learn how to serve communion. Come see the process of serving communion from start to finish. If interested, be at the church on Sunday, June 2, at 9:45 am. We have the servers, you will just be watching the process. Mindy Sue Doyle’s Graduation The Congregation is invited to Mindy’s graduation at Black River High School on Saturday, June 8 at 10:00 am. Cookout to follow at the Doyles. Baccalaureate is at the Catholic Church in Ludlow, Sunday, June 2 at 6:00 pm. Pastor Harpster will give the benediction. Church Website Content You will find completely new content on the Church Website: www.unitedchurch.us. David Hearne has done the design and creation work. We thank him profusely for the extraordinary amount of time he has put into this work. A committee of three, Fred Marin, Sandra Russo, and Bob Kottkamp, is working with David to make revisions, add new content, open new pages over time, and keep the site current. New elements include a calendar displaying regular meetings and special events and a prayer request page for you to leave information about those in need of support. Please make use of this new communication tool. Please send suggestions for edits and additions. You can do so by using the Contact Form on the website! Church Back Door At its last meeting, the Executive Board made the decision that only the front door will be open when our secretary, Sandra Russo, is in the office during her regular hours on Wednesday and Friday. This new practice provides greater security for Sandra and the church as a whole. Those with back door keys....if you enter that door on Wednesday or Friday afternoon, please stop by the office to let Sandra know that you are in the building. Thank You. Comments are closed.