Ed Boadway Ed Boadway served as our organist from March 4, 2007 till his passing on June 29, 2016. Ed was very much a part of our church family and dearly loved by all. A Partial Biography
Gifts to the church in memory of Ed are encouraged. They will be used to provide a scholarship fund in his name for individuals learning to play the organ through the Vermont Chapter of American Guild of Organists. A warm welcome to all visitors. If the Pastor or any member of the congregation may be of service to you, please contact the church office at 802-228-4211 or Rev. Harpster at 802-875-8895. His email is [email protected]. Upcoming Meetings Women’s Group - Every Wednesday at 10:00 A.M. Executive Committee – July 27, 7:00 P.M. Rummage Sale - Saturday, August 20 New Members We welcome Dean and Linda Alexander as Associate Members of the church. They come from Wading River, New York on Long Island. They now make their home in Ludlow. Weekly Offerings Offerings and other cash receipts for the week ending July 10 were $764.00. The costs for each week are $1,438.46 (derived by dividing the annual budget by 52 weeks). Altar Guild Brenda Dansingburg and Jean Eggleston are the Altar Guild people during the month of July. Coffee Hour A time of fellowship following the service of worship is held in the social hall. Coffee, juice and refreshments will be served. Ushers for the month of July This is a reminder for those of you who have signed up and a notice of those Sundays that are open. Ushers July 17 Anne & Andy July 24 Anne & Andy July 31 Anne & Andy Windham-Union Ecclesiastical Council The Windham-Union Association will convene an Ecclesiastical Council for the examination of Lynn Wickberg as a candidate for ordination upon the recommendation of the Ministerial Standings and Standards Committee of the Vermont Conference of the UCC. The Council will be convened on Sunday, July 24, 2016 at 2:30 P.M. at the United Church of Bellows Falls. The quorum to perform the work of an Ecclesiastical Council consists of a minimum of twenty persons composed of any of voting delegates (up to 4 from each church) and individual members (ministers with authorized standing in the Windham-Union Association) from at least eight churches. Please attend yourself along with delegates from your church. And especially if you are not able to attend, please send delegates. Lynn Wickberg is a recent graduate of Eden Theological Seminary in Webster Groves, Missouri. She is currently serving as a half-time licensed minister the United Church in Stratford, Vermont. Lynn’s Ordination Paper, the basis for her examination, is available from her via email at: [email protected] Sunday August 14, 2016 at 4:00 PM. Fund Raiser for Opera Theatre of Weston at the United Church. Program includes selections from Madame Butterfly, Candide, Gilbert & Sullivan, Porgy and Bess, South Pacific and Die Fledermaus. Opera Theatre of Weston is best known for past performances of The Little Prince, The Happy Prince, Hansel and Gretel, Die Fledermaus, Noaha’s Ark most recently a new opera based on the book, The Secret Garden. This group has introduced opera to students at many local schools and has included many local children in these performances. Donations Appreciated Saturday, August 20, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. Please join the Springfield Community Chorus for its summer concert at the United Church. Selections will include medleys from Les Miserables and George M. Cohan, as well as spirituals and several other pieces. The Chorus will be beginning its 50th Season in September. Please come celebrate with them. Donations Appreciated Annual Rummage sale will be held on Saturday, August 20th. Please save all your items. Tables will be set up in the garage labeled and ready to be filled. We welcome clean items – no clothing please. For inquiries call Jean Eggleston at 802-558-2591. Comments are closed.