A warm welcome to all visitors. If the Pastor or any member of the congregation may be of service to you, please contact the church office at 802-228-4211 or Rev. Harpster at
802-875-8895. His email is [email protected]. Upcoming Meetings Women’s Group - Every Wednesday at 10:00 A.M. Executive Committee–Wednesday, February 24 at 7:00 P.M. Upcoming Events
Weekly Offerings Offerings and other cash receipts for February 7 were $1,633.00. The cost for each week is $1,438.46 (derived by dividing the annual budget by 52 weeks). Altar Guild Brenda Dansingburg is the Altar Guild person during the month of January. Coffee Hour A time of fellowship following the service of worship is held in the social hall. Coffee, juice and refreshments will be served. Ushers for the month February and March This is a reminder for those of you who have signed up and a notice of those Sundays that are open. Ushers Communion February 14 Anne & Andy February 21 **Open February 28 **Open March 6 Laura Laura March 13 Anne & Andy March 20 **Open March 27 ** Open 2016 Lenten Bible Study World Religions will be the topic for the 2016 Lenten Bible Study. The topic for our consideration will be Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and another religion to be announced. The book for the course is Michael McDowell and Nathan Robert Brown, World Religions at Your Fingertips. New York: Alpha Books, the Penguin Group, 2009. Copies of the book are available for $16.00. See Bill Kneebone for your copy. Additional religious texts and assignments will be distributed in the class and posted on the webpage of the church. SCHEDULE All sessions will meet in the Ladies Parlor on Wednesday afternoons at 2:00 P.M. February 10 Introduction February 17 Judaism Readings February 24 Christianity Readings March 2 Islam Readings March 9 Hinduism Readings March 16 Buddhism Readings March 23 To be Announced Readings Comments are closed.