A warm welcome to all visitors. If the Pastor or any member of the congregation may be of service to you, please contact the church office at 802-228-4211 or Rev. Harpster at 802-875-8895. His email is [email protected]. Please be sure to sign the guestbook located at the entrance to the church.
Regarding Individuals in the Hospital or Sick at Home It would be greatly appreciated if you know of individuals or family members in the hospital or sick at home, to kindly inform the pastor, Rev. Harpster. Upcoming Meetings/Events -Women’s Group - Every Wednesday at 10:00 A.M. -Dedication of Christmas Fund Veterans of the Cross Offering on December 22. -Christmas Eve Service - Tuesday, December 24, 7:00 P.M. Weekly Offerings Offerings and other cash receipts for the week ending November 24 were $$1,002.00. The costs for each week are $1,188.00 (derived by dividing the annual budget by 52 weeks). Altar Guild Jean Eggleston will do the Altar Guild duties for the month of December Coffee Hour A time of fellowship following the service of worship is held in the social hall. Coffee, juice and refreshments will be served. Donation Envelopes - Please pick up your envelopes which are located on the table outside the sanctuary. Thank You. Microphone for Announcements When you wish to make an announcement, please indicate your intention by raising your hand and someone will come to you with a microphone. To work effectively, the microphone needs to be held very close...within an inch of your mouth. We are very lucky to have the microphones available so that everyone can hear important announcements. Do not be bashful in using them! Photo anyone? We are looking for a picture of our Christmas tree from a previous year or any church related Christmas activities for a newspaper article. If you have a photo to share, please send it to Marge McIntyre at [email protected] Marge is writing an article for the paper on our Christmas activities and would love to have a photo. Lighting of the Advent Candles Pat Liao and Penny Trick will be lighting the first Advent Candle – Hope. Important Special Church Meeting - December 1, 2019 There will be a special meeting of the congregation in the Fellowship Hall immediately after the church service on December 1, 2019.. The trustees will be presenting their proposal for the addition of a handicapped entrance to the church. Following their presentation and discussion, a vote will be taken to authorize the expenditure of funds for this project. This is a major undertaking for our church, so we hope we have a large representation of membership in attendance to act on the proposal. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this important meeting. Blue Christmas Experience Are you experiencing a loss this holiday season – be it a loved one, a job or your health? Are you alone or away from friends and family? Do the holidays put you in a blue mood? Please join us for the “Blue Christmas Experience” at the United Church of Ludlow on Thursday, Dec. 12th at 4:00 P.M. The whole community is invited to attend this brief non-denominational service of candle lighting, poems and music as we focus on healing and hope remembering our losses and our gifts. Slow the pace of your life and find meaning and renewal for our journey together. The service will be upstairs (chair lift available) at the church on 46 Pleasant Street. Refreshments will follow the service. We will be Christmas caroling at the Gill Home and in our church neighborhood on Sunday, December 22 at 6 pm. Hot chocolate and refreshments will be available in the Fellowship Hall following the caroling. Please plan to attend and invite your neighbors to join. Christmas Eve Service – December 24 Join in the spirit of the holiday with a special Christmas Eve service at 7:00 P.M. Take a break from your hectic holiday preparations to listen to carols, scriptures and prayers in the candle-lit sanctuary. Christmas Flowers Christmas Season is approaching. If you would like to make a donation for the Christmas flowers in memory or in honor of loved ones, please contact Jean Eggleston. 2019 Christmas Fund for Veterans of the Cross and the Emergency Fund In this holy and joyous time of year, our thoughts turn to the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, the light of the world. For 118 years, the Christmas Fund for the Veterans of the Cross and the Emergency Fund has been a way in which we, as members of the United Church of Christ and the predecessor denominations, reflect the love of Jesus Christ in the lives of the many women and men who have so faithfully and selflessly served, and who now find themselves facing unforeseen financial crises. An offering envelope will be placed in the bulletin each Sunday. The offering will be dedicated on Sunday, December 22. I Comments are closed.