A warm welcome to all visitors. If the Pastor or any member of the congregation may be of service to you, please contact the church office at 802-228-4211 or Rev. Harpster at 802-875-8895. His email is [email protected].
Upcoming Meetings Women’s Group - Every Wednesday at 10:00 A.M. Upcoming Events - Windham Union Association Meeting – November 2 - Annual Congregational Meeting – November 9 - The Rev. Dr. Lynn Bujnak, Vermont Conference Minister (UCC) – November 16 Weekly Offerings Offerings and other cash receipts for the week of October 19 were $1,228.00. The cost for each week is $1,385.00 (derived by dividing the annual budget by 52 weeks). Altar Guild Brenda Dansingburg and Laura Caravatt will be sharing the Altar Guild responsibilities for the month of October. A special thank you to Anne Oakes, Andy Ohotnicky, Jim and Sandy Peplau for the beautiful fall decorations at the chancel. Coffee Hour A time of fellowship following the service of worship is held in the social hall. Coffee, juice and refreshments will be served. Ushers for the month of October & November This is a reminder for those of you who have signed up and a notice of those Sundays that are open. Ushers Communion October 26 Bob & Ginny November 2 Laura Sandy & Jim November 9 Sandy & Jim November 16 **Open November 23 **Open November 30 **Open Deacons’ Luncheon and Malayaka House The Deacons’ Luncheon will be held immediately following the service of worship. Robert Fleming, founder of Malayaka House in Uganda, Africa will be our guest speaker. Malayaka House rescues orphaned and abandoned children in Uganda. It provides a secure home where the children can thrive in an environment of love. The Outreach/Mission Committee from the church support this orphanage with funds from its budget. The luncheon menu will include hoagies, homemade desserts and beverages. What a wonderful way of celebrating Reformation Sunday! All are welcome to come and listen to his message of hope and affirmation. 2014-2105 Offering Envelopes Envelopes are available on the table as you pick up your bulletin. Estimates of Giving relate to the general operational budget and the building fund. They are a great help to the Executive Committee as it prepares the 2014-2015 budget. Please submit them as soon as possible. Memorial Hymnals For those of you who have made a contribution towards the church’s purchase of hymnals in memory or in honor of your loved ones and friends….please pick up your hymnal from the upstairs table. You are welcome to keep them in your pew to use each Sunday. Church World Service School Kits The Outreach/Mission Committee of the United Church of Ludlow was delighted to organize the creation and filling of 52 school kit bags for the Church World Service. The school kit bags were made by members of the church and were filled with 3 notebooks, a ruler, eraser, pencil sharpener, 6 pencils, 24 crayons and one pair of scissors. The kits will be given to children in impoverished schools, refugee camps or other difficult settings throughout the world. Funding for the project locally came from a UCC Disaster Ministries matching grant and mission funds from United Church. To learn more about this project, go to www.cwsglobal.org. And to learn more about the United Church of Ludlow, go to www.unitedchurch.us. Fifth Annual “Stick Season Social” Black River Good Neighbor Services invites you to the Fifth Annual Stick Season Social on Saturday, November 1, at 6:00 P.M. at Sam’s Steak House. Join them for their silent auction and raffle and for an outstanding dinner buffet, famous salad bar, superb desserts and cash bar. All proceeds help those in need of food, rent, heat and utility assistance. Tickets are $55 and may be purchased at the BRGNS Thrift Store and also online at brgn.org. Lee Potter, Bob Kottkamp or Executive Director, Audrey Bridge at 228-3663 will be glad to answer any questions. Capital Needs Assessment Available on Website Months ago the Executive Board commissioned a Capital Needs Assessment by a professional engineer to help us create a plan to keep our physical plant in good repair now that the Phyllis Agan Trust money is available to us. The CNA Report is available on the church website, www.unitedchurch.us To find the report, click on "More..."at the top right of the home page and then click Capital Needs Assessment on the menu that comes up. Consider Attending the Windham Union Association Meetingin our Church Sunday, November 2 I would love to have a few church members attend this event. You don’t need to be an officer or a saint, just a bit interested in the church one step beyond our walls. I’d feel supported if some of us were present! Meeting begins with Lunch at 1:00 P.M. Menu to include hoagies, homemade desserts and beverages. Presenter/Facilitator: Rev. Jim Thomas, Associate Conference Minister Topic: Exploring What It Means To Be An Association In The 21st Century In a mix of presentation and small group conversations, we’ll explore our history, polity, and future as a setting of the United Church of Christ. We’ll hear of movements afoot in other associations, and consider what our future role may be. More concretely, here are questions discussed when Jim facilitated another association: 1. What does the Windham Union Association mean to you? 2. How is the Association important to the life of your church? 3. What could the Association be doing to assist your church? 4. To get more participation from the churches, what would the Association need to offer? 5. If the Association ceased to exist, what would you miss? 6. Is there a way to get what you’d miss without there being an Association? See Bob Kottkamp for questions and information. Luncheon for Association Meeting – 1:00 P.M. The United Church is hosting the Windham Association meeting and luncheon will be served. Available in the lobby will be the menu donations we hope you will consider providing.
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