4/14/2013 UNITED CHURCH OF LUDLOW Weekly NewsUpcoming Meetings Women’s Group - Every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. Deacon’s Meeting – April 21, 2013 following service of worship Executive Board Meeting – April 24, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. Confirmation Class Confirmation Class will meet in the Ladies Parlor following the service of worship Altar Guild
Judi Krieger is serving as the Altar Guild person during the month of April. Coffee Hour A time of fellowship following the service of worship is held in the social hall. Coffee, juice and refreshments will be served. Windham Union Association Spring Meeting Meeting will be held on Sunday, May 5, 2013 at the West Dover Congregational Church, UCC. Registration: 12:30 Lunch 12:45 National Healthcare Decisions Day A most loving gift you can give to your family is completion of advance medical directives (living will) and designation of an individual to speak for you if you are unable to communicate in critical medical decisions (medical power of attorney). Tuesday, April 16, at 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM at church, Bob Kottkamp will host a NHDD workshop providing information, interactive video scenarios, discussion, and opportunity to complete advance medical directives specific to Vermont. Advance directives eliminate shock and ambiguity thrust upon family in medical emergencies when critical decisions are required for a loved one without a clear statement of that person's desires. Advanced directives allow decisions ranging from "Prolong my life as long as possible...." to “Don’t prolong my life if...." Easily cancelled and revised, they are your clear statement to family and the medical community of your desires. Come to learn, interact, deliberate, and make decisions about an issue not easy for many of us to deal with—yet very important. NHDD was developed by Nathan Kottkamp. Questions? See: www.nhdd.org. Call: 802-228-6282. Comments are closed.