8/18/2013 0 Comments On This DayPSALM 91 Hymnal, page 810-811
Luke 12: 49-56 Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost TEXT: "I have come to bring fire to the earth" Luke 12:49 A pastor was standing at the Church doorway, shaking hands with the parishioners as they filed out. The pastor spotted a man who, prior to that Sunday morning, hadn't seen the inside of a Church in ten years. He pulled the man aside and said, "Glad to see you again. Are you ready for service in the Army of the Lord?" The man looked all around, then whispered in the pastor's ear, "I'm in the Secret Service."
8/11/2013 0 Comments All Of YouPsalm 67
Luke 12: 32-40 Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost TEXT: "... where your treasure is, there your heart be also" Luke 12:34 It has been said that one of the best tests of your religion is to find yourself in church with nothing less than a twenty dollar bill in your wallet. |